BUSINESS Four Companies Discontinue Marketing Atelec Generics Due to Halt in Supplies of Bulk Drug Substance
November 9, 2012
REGULATORY Drug Makers Invited to Join in Intractable Disease Drug Discovery Research Using iPS Cells from This Fiscal Year
November 8, 2012
BUSINESS Takeda to Buy Envoy of US to Reinforce Drug Discovery Prowess
November 7, 2012
BUSINESS Abbott Japan Spins Off New Drug Biz, Establishes New Firm “AbbVie”
November 6, 2012
BUSINESS Sawai’s Status Improved Within Mediceo by Utilizing ARs
November 6, 2012
BUSINESS Domestic Drug Makers’ Major Products See Sharp Declines in 1st Half; Sales of Aricept, Lipitor Down 30%
November 5, 2012
BUSINESS “Lecture Meeting Fever” as Companies Seek New Ways to Interact with Doctors Under Tougher Restrictions on Settai
November 5, 2012
BUSINESS Sales Target for Prasugrel Achievable Despite Add’l Indication Dropped: Daiichi Sankyo Pres. Nakayama
November 2, 2012
BUSINESS Takeda’s Japan Sales Ratio Likely to Fall to Mid-30% Range: President Hasegawa
November 1, 2012
BUSINESS Mochida, MTPC See Signs of Sales Growth for Lexapro after Lifting of Long-Term Prescription Ban
October 31, 2012
BUSINESS Shionogi to Take Part in GSK-Pfizer JV, Realigns Strategy in HIV Field
October 30, 2012
BUSINESS Chugai to License SGLT-2 Inhibitor to Kowa, Sanofi
October 29, 2012
BUSINESS Janssen’s New MR Training System Aims to Produce “Consulting MRs”
October 29, 2012
REGULATORY MHLW to Initially Limit Number of Stores to Offer Epadel OTC
October 26, 2012
BUSINESS “Changing Way of Thinking Necessary among Industry, Government, Academia for Promotion of Drug Discovery”: AZ Chairman Kato
October 25, 2012
BUSINESS Santen Going on Offensive in Growth Fields in Ophthalmology
October 24, 2012
BUSINESS Astellas Poised for Domestic PIIb Trial of Novel IBS Treatment
October 23, 2012
BUSINESS MTPC to Dissolve Capital Alliance with Choseido
October 22, 2012
REGULATORY Sales Tax Hike Expected to Hasten Separation of Dispensing from Medical Practice by Sapping Yakka-Saeki
October 19, 2012
REGULATORY PAFSC Committee Recommends Approval for Switch OTC Version of Epadel 2 Years after Frist Review
October 18, 2012
As CEO of Morunda, I had the privilege of interviewing Bill Schuster, Country Manager of Viatris in South Korea. Our conversation delved into the multifaceted nature of leadership in the healthcare industry, exploring challenges, successes, and the power of authenticity.A…
For the first time in many years, Japan appeared to have pivoted to a pro-innovation path with the FY2024 drug pricing reform. All eyes were apparently on this course change as seen in this year’s most-read story list, though the…