Subscription, Change, Termination, etc.

  • QHow can I register for a full subscription?ひらく


    [1] If you are still on a two-week trial:
    Please log on to the trial website, and then select “Subscribe” on the dropdown menu at the upper right of the webpage to proceed.

    [2] If not:
    Please access the following link to register:

  • QHow can I renew my subscription?ひらく


    We will send you an email notification (titled “Renewal Date Approaching”) two months before your subscription expires.

    For users in Japan:
    Your subscription will automatically continue if no cancellation notice from you is received before the expiration date of your subscription period.

    For overseas users:
    Please let us know whether you will continue or discontinue your subscription at the soonest at: koudoku@jiho.co.jp

  • QHow can I change the number of users/accounts?ひらく


    Please contact us by accessing the following link:

  • QHow can I sign up for the free trial?ひらく


    Please sign up by accessing the following link:

    **The free trial is a one-time offer only.

  • QHow can I cancel my subscription?ひらく


    Full Subscriber
    We will send you an email notification (titled “Renewal Date Approaching”) two months before your subscription expires. To discontinue your subscription at the time your current subscription expires, please contact us at the soonest at:

    **If you wish to cancel your subscription halfway through your subscription period, please contact us by accessing the following link. However, there will be no refund for the remaining period.

    Trial Subscriber
    Your free trial access to the website will automatically end after two weeks.

    Today’s Headlines Subscriber
    Unsubscribe by accessing the link provided at the bottom of the Today’s Headlines notice email.

  • QHow can I change my account information?ひらく


    Full Subscriber
    Please log on to the PHARMA JAPAN website, scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and then select “Account Information”. You must enter your Admin-key to make any changes.

    What is an Admin-key? Please access the following link:

    Trial Subscriber
    Unfortunately, a free trial subscriber cannot make changes to account information.

    Today’s Headlines Subscriber
    Unfortunately, no changes can be made to account information. To change the registered email address, first unsubscribe by accessing the link provided at the bottom of the Today’s Headlines notice email, and then register again with your new address by selecting “Send Me Headlines” on the dropdown menu at the upper right of the webpage.

  • QCan I have a receipt?ひらく


    Please contact us via the following link:

    **We do not issue receipts for credit card payments. Please refer to your credit card statement.